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Acupuncture related issues


1. Will I need to get underssed during Treatment?

2. Why have Acupuncture Treatments?

3. What is Acupuncture?

4. Does Acupuncture Hurt?

5. How does acupuncture work?

6. Does acupuncture really work?

7. What determines a course of acupuncture?

8. Is acupuncture safe?

9. Do I have to believe in acupuncture?

10. Does everyone practice acupuncture the same?

11. What do I expect doing the first consultation?

12. How about the sterilization of the needles?

Herbal Medicine related issues


13. Is it OK to take Chinese herbs and western medicine simultaneously?

14. How long should I keep taking the herbs? Is it an ongoing treatment?

15. How Chinese herbs are Prescribed?

16. How long does the treatment last?

17. Is it safe to take Chinese Herbs? Are there any side effects?

18. What's the cost of the Chinese Herbs? Is it expensive?

19. the time for taking herbal products

20. the time for drinking decoction of mixed row herbs

21. the herbs for the first time user

22. the way for making and using herbs

Will I need to get undressed during treatment?


Most of the acupuncture points are located between the elbow & hand, and the knee & foot. Therefore, for many conditions it is only necessary to roll up trousers & shirtsleeves - provided the clothes are loose enough! Obviously, there are occasions when it is necessary to remove clothing down to underwear, such as when treating back pain. Although the pain may be located in the lower back, it is often necessary to treat the whole spine especially if there is a long history of back problems. For women, it is better to unclip the bra when lying face down on the couch so that doctor can feel the muscles & acupuncture points on the back. The clip is refastened after treatment, and doctor will leave the treatment room to allow the patient to redress.  



Why have acupuncture treatments?


There are many possible reasons for considering acupuncture treatment and of course everyone has their own motivations.Acupuncture is a safe and effective form of medicine. Acupuncture is holistic and aims to regulate the energetic of the body and bring it back into balance. Acupuncture treats both the symptoms and the root of an illness. Traditional Chinese Acupuncture can identify imbalances in the body at a very early stage. Acupuncture can treat signs and symptoms that may not have a clear Western medical diagnosis. Traditional Chinese medicine has been practiced over 2000 years, offering a well-established medical system, which has developed from observation and practice. Acupuncture can help you come off certain prescription drugs (with your GP's consent). Acupuncture can be a useful alternative if you do not wish to take prescription drugs for whatever personal or medical reasons. Offers a unique perspective of how we view the body and therefore can often give more understanding about a disease process and how it may have developed. Lastly, acupuncture may be the last alternative after trying everything else! It is not uncommon for patients to come to the clinic as a 'last measure'.


What is acupuncture?


Acupuncture is an ancient system of healing developed over thousands of years as part of the traditional medicine of China, Japan, and other Eastern countries. The earliest records of acupuncture date back over 3,000 years and today there are over 3 million practitioners worldwide. Traditional acupuncture is based on the principle that our health depends on the balanced functioning of the body s energy, known as Qi. When we are in perfect health all the energy runs harmoniously throughout our body. When an illness arises the flow of energy becomes disturbed and this can manifest in a diverse array of symptoms. Using very fine needles acupuncture aims to correct the flow of energy and by doing this the symptoms will be resolved. Blocked Qi (energy) may relate to areas on the body that are tender to touch, particularly cold or warm, or a different colour, which can also be seen as body massage that reflects some inner organ or system is wrong or disorder. These clues help practitioners decide which points need to be treated in order to bring the body back into balance. Acupuncture isn't just about using needles, and some patients prefer not to have needles. Other techniques may also be used such as acupressure, cupping or moxibustion.


Does acupuncture hurt?


Usually nothing is felt as the needle penetrates the skin as the needles are not much thicker than a human hair. When the needle reaches certain depth of the acupuncture point some kind of sensation will be felt. This can be a feeling of numbness, or a mild ache, or an alive sensation, or even like some people describe it as weird. Most people find acupuncture to be a relaxing and positive experience


How does acupuncture work


There is no simple answer to this question. In the orient it is sufficient to say that acupuncture stimulates and regulates our energy (or Qi). Within the West we are always looking for another explanation that more easily fits into our concept of what medicine is and how medicine works. Unfortunately no one can firmly say, acupuncture works by such and such method. The problem is that there are many different styles and techniques of acupuncture and they don t fit anyone particular model. We do have some understand about how acupuncture works, but we don1t have the complete picture. For example, when acupuncture is used as an analgesic for operations in China it is understood that the insertion and manipulation of acupuncture needles stimulates the production of the body s own natural painkillers - endorphins. At the other end of the scale, very gentle stimulation of the small toe of a 34 weeks pregnant woman, can cause the baby to turn into the correct position if it is lying in a breech position. This would not stimulate the body s endorphins. Instead other theories have emerged about the effect it has on the adrenal glands...another model for another type of acupuncture. In short, there are many theories about how acupuncture works but there are is no one conclusive answer.

How does acupuncture work


There is no simple answer to this question. In the orient it is sufficient to say that acupuncture stimulates and regulates our energy (or Qi). Within the West we are always looking for another explanation that more easily fits into our concept of what medicine is and how medicine works. Unfortunately no one can firmly say, acupuncture works by such and such method. The problem is that there are many different styles and techniques of acupuncture and they don t fit anyone particular model. We do have some understand about how acupuncture works, but we don1t have the complete picture. For example, when acupuncture is used as an analgesic for operations in China it is understood that the insertion and manipulation of acupuncture needles stimulates the production of the body s own natural painkillers - endorphins. At the other end of the scale, very gentle stimulation of the small toe of a 34 weeks pregnant woman, can cause the baby to turn into the correct position if it is lying in a breech position. This would not stimulate the body s endorphins. Instead other theories have emerged about the effect it has on the adrenal glands...another model for another type of acupuncture. In short, there are many theories about how acupuncture works but there are is no one conclusive answer.


How does acupuncture work


There is no simple answer to this question. In the orient it is sufficient to say that acupuncture stimulates and regulates our energy (or Qi). Within the West we are always looking for another explanation that more easily fits into our concept of what medicine is and how medicine works. Unfortunately no one can firmly say, acupuncture works by such and such method. The problem is that there are many different styles and techniques of acupuncture and they don t fit anyone particular model. We do have some understand about how acupuncture works, but we don1t have the complete picture. For example, when acupuncture is used as an analgesic for operations in China it is understood that the insertion and manipulation of acupuncture needles stimulates the production of the body s own natural painkillers - endorphins. At the other end of the scale, very gentle stimulation of the small toe of a 34 weeks pregnant woman, can cause the baby to turn into the correct position if it is lying in a breech position. This would not stimulate the body s endorphins. Instead other theories have emerged about the effect it has on the adrenal glands...another model for another type of acupuncture. In short, there are many theories about how acupuncture works but there are is no one conclusive answer.


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