Tel: 020 7287 9889
New China Chinese Restaurant in central London combines Cantonese and Chinese food with all
the fun of karaoke. We also provide private dining Room can be tailored to suit individual requirements .
Near Leicester Square /Shaftesbury. Avenue
We take reservations for parties of 6 or more.
Mobile Communication Network international Ltd
Maritime and Land Satellite Phone and terminals
MCNUK is a company who provides satellite phone products and technical service of Thrane&Thrane, Nera and JRC (The world's only three satellite terminal manufacture) in Europe and Asia market.
MCN International services' current portfolio -
an unparalleled and comprehensive array of digital services suits all sizes and types of clients, makes it an ideal service solution for a number of markets including:
Whichever type of business that you operate, we have a solution to meet your needs.
Wholesale Department
locates at Romford , Essex ( in zone 6 of Great London), founded since 1998, has many years experience in distribution of Chinese herbal medicine and healthcare products over the European market, now, China European Ltd has been one of the leading Chinese herbal products wholesalers in the UK.
As a proud member of the following organizations: The Chinese Medicine Association of Suppliers (CMAS), Federation of Traditional Chinese Medicine(FTCM), China European Ltd., has established wide range of cooperation with relevant departments of UK and Chinese government, also, China European Ltd., has set up the long-time stratagem federation? relationship with many famous pharmaceutical companies. Its partners include Chinese Hefei Shenlu Group, Zhongxin pharmaceutical group, Beijing Tongrentang, Qizheng Tibet pharmaceutical, 999 group, Zhejiang kangenbei group, and Farlong pharmaceutical, Wally’s from USA. Etc.

Wholesale Department
上世紀90年代初,這條街上的“康寕堂”中醫藥店門前每天都有100名左右西方人排長龍,最盛時曾出現由警察出面維持排隊就診秩序的局面。他們是來找羅鳴輝的姐姐、中醫師羅鼎輝問診的。正是這對來自廣州的姐妹,以精湛的醫術與良好的醫德,破除了英國人的偏見,使中醫中藥在英國廣為人知。她們治療歐洲常見皮膚病濕疹比西醫效果明顯,20多年來診治了不同膚色的病人達10萬人次。由於她們在治療英國常見皮膚病濕疹上療效突出,引起英國傳媒的關注。 1993年,英國電視台BBC1最高收視率節目EQD在黃金播放時段,用整整半小時報道了羅鼎輝醫生成功治療濕疹的消息。著名皮膚病專家 DR.DAVIDATHERTON著文指出,在其所在醫院未能治愈的病人,有70%經羅鼎輝治好。專家認可和傳媒的宣傳使中醫在英國引起轟動,西方人像發現新大陸似的去投診中醫。事實證明,中醫在診治其他一些英國常見病方面也顯露出某些優勢:像對病毒感染、免疫病變、不孕(育)症等。中醫很快從英國近 200種注冊的補充醫 學中脫穎而出,被英國人公認為正規西醫之外又一套可供選擇的系統療法