All our practitioners are fully qualified to diagnose and treat wide range of ailments, however we can also provide practitioners that specialise in one particular area ensuring that the patient always gets the highest quality of treatment. With over 30 specialists, there is always one on hand nearby and always available on patients' requests.
About our practitioners
Our professors and practitioners

Managing Director Everwell Chinese Medical Centre Ltd. 7 Little Newport Street London WC2H 7JJ Tel: 020 74341697 Email: ren@everwell.co.uk
Head Office (London) :
Tel: 0207 434 1697
Email: info@everwell.co.uk
London1: 7 Little Newport Street, London WC2H 7JJ
Tel: 020 7287 1086
Email: london1@everwell.co.uk
London2: 54-56 Shaftesbury Avenue, London W1D 6LR
Tel: 020 7287 6117/3336
Email: london2@everwell.co.uk
London5: 24 Lisle Street, London WC2H 7BA
Tel: 020 7437 6029
Email: london5 @everwell.co.uk
London7: 36 Gerrard Street, London W1D 5QA
Tel: 020 7287 0805
Email: london7@everwell.co.uk