See what our patients says... Prof. Gong -- A Top Gynecological and Infertility Expert

Prof. Gong is a one of the top experts in Everwell Chinese Medical Centre.
She had worked in clinical and research fields while undertook teaching in traditional Chinese medicine courses in Beijing Capital Medical University. An expert in the treatment of internal and gynecological diseases.
Prof. Gong had won the 2nd prize of "Beijing Municipal Science and Technology Improvement Award" in 1998 and "Important Science and Technology Contribution for the 40th Anniversary of China national Establishment" in 1989 after the completion of the research in "traditional Chinese Herbal Pregnancy for treating FIUGR" in 1988 in P. R. China.
Achieved the program of "the clinical research of suppository made from traditional Chinese medicine for treating senile virginities" and won the 2nd prize of "scientific Research Achievement" awarded by Beijing Health Bureau of China in 1989.
She had also been awarded "excellent tutor" by Beijing Capital Medical University, China. As well as, she published more than 60 articles and research papers in both international and domestic conferences and academic journals.
Prof. Gong has been practising in Everwell Chinese Medical Centre since 2004 as a senior consultant in TCM. She has helped hundreds and thousands patients.
Clinic Address: 24 Lisle Street, Chinatown, London WC2H 7BA
Clinic Telephone: 020 7437 6029
Clinic Email:
于1968年去农村插队,担任最基层的乡村医生(赤脚医生)。1977年考入北京首都医科大学中医系。1982年毕业后到北京市宣武医院中医科工作。1992年,国派赴日本东京大学医学部留学(访问学者)。她多次在国际、国内学术会议上发表演讲,在国际、国内省级以上杂志发表论文多篇,并有日文译著一部。1998年,她以当代特色名医、专家的荣誉资格被录入国家版《中国特色名医大辞典》。她曾任北京市宣武医院中医科正主任医师,北京首都医科大学教授。从医40多年来诊治了大量的病人,积累了丰富的临床经验,在治疗内、外、皮、妇、儿等科疾病方面,均有独到的见解和良好的疗效,擅长治疗月经不调,不孕症,更年期综合症,盆腔炎,胃炎胆囊炎,肾炎,湿疹,牛皮癣,荨麻疹等常见病及各种疑难杂症。曾被评为首都医科大学先进教师,曾获得两项科研成果奖。 2002年退休,同年,应北京同仁堂英国分公司邀请来英国行医。2004年应聘到英国康泰公司诊所行医至今。
现行医地址:24 Lisle Street, Chinatown, London WC2H 7BA
联系电话: 020 7437 6029